
Simone teaches African Contemporary dance and she is a unique dance teacher in this particular field within the Netherlands.

She started dancing at an early age when she was only four years old.

She has been dancing ever since.

After her study of Dance Movement Therapy at the Hogeschool Zuyd, Simone studied at the teachers department at Codarts, Rotterdam to expand her passion for dance.

Simone soon discovered her interest in African Contemporary and traditional dance and ultimately decided to travel to Senegal. In 2009, she joined the stage ‘A new step’ conducted by Germaine Acogny, at l’Ecole des Sables, Toubab Dialaw. In 2011 Simone continued her studies in African dances at EDIT (Ecole de Danse Irène Tassembédo) conducted by Irène Tassembédo in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 

Simone performed and trained with different choreographers in African Contemporary dance like Irène Tassembédo, Katina Genero, Anani Sanouvi, Gerard Diby and Merlin Nyakam.

After these formations, Simone started working on different dance projects in Africa and Europe. In March 2014, she performed during the Marché des Arts Africaine (MASA) festival in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. In January 2016 Simone performed her solo ‘Je suis pas une poupée’ during Festival International de Danse de Ouagadougou (FIDO) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. In Italy Simone then performed in the African Contemporary production called ‘Danse Estreme’ by Katina Genero. During Museumnacht 2016 in Amsterdam, Simone performed with Afrovibes and dancers in African Contemporary dance.

Subsequently in 2018, Simone produced her first Dutch African contemporary dance performance in the Netherlands, called ‘RODÉ – Home without borders’: A performance with traditional African dance, contemporary dance and African contemporary dance. Everything accompanied by live African percussion. The performance debuted with a sold-out show in Meervaart Theater Amsterdam.

In Senegal Simone then produced her second African dance performance together with Senegalese dancer and choreographer Seny Kama, called ‘Rien n’est plus beau que la vérité’ in 2019 and ‘YONN BI’ in 2022. These performances consisted of traditional Senegalese dance Sabar and African contemporary dance accompanied by live African percussion. Performed at Centre Culturel Blaise Senghor, Dakar, Senegal.

Next to African Contemporary dance, Simone also teaches toddler dance, ballet, dance for parents and kids and contemporary dance. She works for Aslan Muziekcentrum, ISH dance collective, Meervaart Theater Amsterdam, theatergroup DOX and Codarts dance academy Rotterdam. On the afore-mentioned locations she allows herself to develop her own projects, train and organize workshops in African dance. This enables her to ensure everybody can start moving and experience pleasure in dance.